Hindu Economy Forum of Metro DC Area


Making Society Prosperous; Grow together and Share together


Dharmasya Moolam Arthah (Economy is the Strength)
– Acharya Chanakya


WHEF’s approach is based on the foundational wisdom in the Bhagwad Gita: “Think in future, for the future”. It is that step towards creating “That, which sustains”. The end goal is is to generate surplus wealth and make society prosperous.

The objective of events organized by WHEF:

  • Is to promote professional relationships. The WHEF will accomplish this goal by organizing networking events to facilitate the creation of professional relationships within the business community, inviting members to share their business challenges, insights, and experiences, and mentoring entrepreneurs.
  • To help in the expansion of businesses and encourage sharing the surplus wealth with the society.  While direct solicitations to members is not permitted, we provide many venues for  businesses to increase sales, get exposure, and build referral base.  As an example, the WHEF’s email-newsletter will educate local business in the community about their products and services, invite members to participate in special promotions and seminars, and to advertise news and special events.  In addition, for businesses with seating, the forum also allows member business owners to host our monthly forum meetings.

Founder & Global chairman of world Hindu Foundation (WHF) and chief organizer of world Hindu Congress held in Delhi in 2014 and world Hindu Economic Forum (WHEF) 2015 in London. He is a towering practitioner intellectual of Sanatan Dharmaand a distinguished scholar on Hinduism and global Hindu movement.

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